Blog Category: Laws

Bail & Assault

in Laws There are various types of assault, as well as five different degrees of assault. An individual can be charged with a felony assault or misdemeanor assault. The amount of bail issued to the defendant depends on the severity of the assault, as well as other circumstances determined by the court. ... Read More

Furnishing Alcohol to a Minor

in Laws Furnishing alcohol to a person under the age of 21 in the state of California is a crime. Furnishing alcohol to a minor is classified as a misdemeanor. A person charged with this type of crime can face the prospect of jail time and fines if convicted. If convicted, one should call a bondsman to help… Read More

Arson Laws in CA

in Laws Arson is defined as the willfully, maliciously, or recklessly set fire of any building, forest land, or property. Even if you own the property, such as your house, you could even be charged with arson for setting fire to your own assets. ... Read More

Hate Crime Laws

in Laws In today's world, it is unfortunate that crimes are being committed against others due to their race, nationality, sexual orientation, gender, religion, or disability. Referred to as "hate crimes," they are becoming more prevalent in the United States, as well as around the world. As a result, many states have passed laws where those who… Read More

Criminal Threats Law

in Laws Many times in the heat of the moment, a person will say "I'm going to kill you" or "You better watch your back." While these may seem like meaningless words, in many situations they are considered criminal threats. ... Read More

Unlawful Assembly

in Laws Everyone can agree that they have to right to assemble peaceably in a group to state their views. So how does an assembly become unlawful? The difference lies in whether or not there is the possibility of the gathering becoming unruly or violent. ... Read More

What is Indecent Exposure?

in Laws Those facing a criminal charge need to fully understand the charges against them. Indecent exposure means that a person has exposed themselves sexually to another person against their will for the purpose of gratifying themselves or upsetting the other person. ... Read More

Minor in Possession of Alcohol

in Laws The "Minor in Possession of Alcohol" law is California's official state law prohibiting underage drinking. As with most of the United States, the legal age to be able to drink is 21. ... Read More