Glenn County Superior Court - Willows

526 West Sycamore Street, Willows, CA, 95988
Glenn County Superior Court - Willows
526 West Sycamore Street, Willows, CA 95988
(530) 934-6446 Payments Accepted: Credit Card, Check, Cash, Finance Services: Bail Bonds, Bail Bonds Agents, Bail Bond Company, Bail Bonds Payments, Bail Contract, Bail Information, Bail Release, Bail Set, Cash Bail, Court Bond, Payment Plans

Glenn County Superior Court – Willows is located at 526 West Sycamore Street, Willows, CA, 95988. The court’s phone number is 530-934-6401. Glenn County Superior Court – Willows is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., excluding legal holidays.

The court handles the following types of cases: civil, criminal, family law, juvenile law, and probate law. The court does not have a jury.

The court address is 526 West Sycamore Street, Willows, CA 95988. The phone number for the court is 530-934-6401. The court is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., excluding legal holidays. The court website is

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