Fairfield Crime Stats

Fairfield, CA has a population of just over 117,000 people. The crime statistics in Fairfield result in a safety ranking of 19 percent. This means that 81 percent of the cities in the country are statistically safer than Fairfield. People within Fairfield have a one in 236 chance of becoming a victim of a violent crime. There are 100 crimes per square mile. It is helpful to know some of the specific crime statistics for Fairfield.

Rapes and Murders

Several violent crimes are reported in Fairfield every year. The city sees around eight murders each year spread across different neighborhoods. Although this does not sound like many murders, it is actually slightly higher than the national murder rate when viewed as a percentage of the population. The national murder rate is 0.05 per 1,000 people. The rate in Fairfield is 0.07 per 1,000 people. The city of Fairfield also had 30 reported rapes during the same period. This is actually almost equal to the national averages. Fairfield has roughly the same rates of murders and rapes as the rest of the state of California.

Robberies and Assaults

Residents of Fairfield have reported that there were 139 robberies over the course of a year. A robbery is a violent crime that is different from burglary. The rate of robberies is noticeably higher than the national average in Fairfield. Fairfield has a robbery rate of 1.3 per 1,000 people. The national average is 1.13 per 1,000 people. There are 277 assaults in Fairfield every year. This is also higher than the national average. The people who are arrested for robbery and assault are held in jail until trial. These individuals can go through a bail bond agency in order to post a bail bond. Bail bonds allow a person to wait for trial outside of jail. Money is paid to an agency to post the bond. If the person makes all court dates, then the money is returned after the trial regardless of the outcome.

Burglaries and Thefts

Property crimes are classified differently than violent crimes. These crimes primarily harm the property or possessions of an individual and do not normally involve bodily harm. Burglary is an example of a property crime. Burglary means someone enters a house and steals items from inside. There were 676 burglaries in Fairfield during the year. Fairfield has a lower burglary rate than the national average. Thefts are different from burglaries and can affect people or businesses. A total of 2,177 thefts occurred in Fairfield. This is a little higher than the national figures for thefts.

Motor Vehicle Thefts

Motor vehicle thefts mean a person steals a car or truck. The vehicle is not necessarily recovered. This does not include vehicle vandalism. Fairfield saw 499 motor vehicle thefts over the course of a single year. This is twice the national average. The national average is 2.3 motor vehicle thefts per 1,000 people. The rate in Fairfield is 4.66 per 1,000 people. This means that a car is twice as likely to be stolen inside of Fairfield. There is one in 32 chance of becoming a victim of property crime in Fairfield. This is slightly lower than the one in 36 chance that is the average in California.