Barstow Courthouse

235 Easat Moutain View Avenue, Barstow , CA, 92311
Barstow Courthouse
235 Easat Moutain View Avenue, Barstow , CA 92311
(760) 256-4758 Payments Accepted: Credit Card, Check, Cash, Finance Services: Bail Bonds, Bail Bonds Agents, Bail Bond Company, Bail Bonds Payments, Bail Contract, Bail Information, Bail Release, Bail Set, Cash Bail, Court Bond, Payment Plans

Barstow Courthouse located at 235 Easat Moutain View Avenue, Barstow , CA, 92311. The phone number is (760) 256-4891. The courthouse is open from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except holidays.

The Barstow Courthouse does not handle criminal cases. All criminal cases in the Barstow area are handled by the Victorville Superior Court. The Barstow Courthouse does offer services for family law, civil law, small claims, and probate cases.

If you are looking to file a case at the Barstow Courthouse, you will need to fill out the appropriate paperwork and turn it in to the court clerk. The clerk will be able to help you with any questions you may have about filing a case.

If you are looking for more information on the Barstow Courthouse, you can visit their website at .

The Barstow Courthouse is located at 235 Easat Moutain View Avenue in Barstow, CA. The courthouse is open from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except holidays. The Barstow Courthouse does not handle criminal cases; all criminal cases in the Barstow area are handled by the Victorville Superior Court. The Barstow Courthouse does offer services for family law, civil law, small claims, and probate cases.

If you are looking to file a case at the Barstow Courthouse, you will need to fill out the appropriate paperwork and turn it in to the court clerk. The clerk will be able to help you with any questions you may have about filing a case.

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