Colusa Crime Stats
The Neighborhood Scout Crime Index rating for Colusa, CA is 38, indicating that it is safer than 38% of the cities in the United States.
At the same time, Colusa’s crime rate is higher than 46% of America’s cities and towns.
Violent and Property Crime Averages
In order to better understand Colusa’s overall average crime frequency, Neighborhood Scout analysts cross-examined violent crime rates and property crime rates in order to determine which was the more significant contributor to Colusa’s overall crime rate as a whole.
Annually, there are nine violent crimes and 110 property crimes, equaling a total of 119 average annual crimes. There are approximately 0.67 robberies and 0.84 assaults per 1000 Colusa residents out of a population of 5946; in comparison, the nationwide averages for violent crimes are 0.04 murders, 0.37 sexual assaults, 1.02 robberies, and 2.32 assaults per 1000 civilians out of a national population of approximately 319 million.
The average violent crime estimation per 1000 residents in Colusa is a 1.51, lower than the Californian violent crime rate estimation of 3.96 and the national median of 3.8. The chance of becoming a victim of a violent crime in Colusa is 1 in 661.
Property crime averages in Colusa are estimated at 5.55 burglaries, 10.43 thefts, and 2.52 motor vehicle thefts per 1000 residents. Colusa’s annual proportional average for burglaries is slightly higher than the national property crime average of 5.43 per 100, but lower than the national averages for theft and motor vehicle theft of 18.37 and 2.16 per 1000 respectively.
The average property crime rate estimation for Colusa is 18.15 per 1000 residents, slightly lower than the Californian property crime rate of 24.41 per 1000 residents, and also lower than the national median of 26 property crimes per 1000 residents. The chance of becoming a victim of a property crime in Colusa is 1 in 54.
The property and violent crime data averages in Colusa were calculated from seven categories of offense, specified by 18,000 local law enforcement agencies analyzed by the FBI. The chance of becoming a victim of violent crime in Colusa is significantly lower than the chance of becoming a victim of property crime.
Crimes per Square Mile
The estimation of crimes per square mile in Colusa is 65, lower than the estimation of crimes per square mile in California at a whole at 83, but higher than the national median of 32.8. Overall, there are 1.51 annual violent crimes and 18.50 annual property crimes per 1000 Colusa residents, equaling a total of 20.01 annual crimes per 1000 residents.
National crime frequency ranking
Colusa’s crime rate appears slightly elevated when compared to national crime averages calculated in all American cities ordered from largest to smallest, though the crime rate is still not high enough to rank among the most criminally active cities in the nation.
Criminal analyst have worked to determine whether Colusa’s overall crime rate it should be considered higher or lower when compared to all communities in the United States; this largely depends on whether or not the population size is controlled for.
If the population size is controlled for and Colusa is compared to communities that are similar to it in size and population density, then it is roughly positioned in the middle of national crime rate frequency ratings. A position in the middle of the nationwide crime rate averages would indicate that Colusa may be considered neither significantly less or more dangerous than the average American city.
While Colusa’s overall crime averages are not among the most criminally active communities in the nation, the community has one of the highest average frequencies of automobile thievery in the United States. The chance of being the victim of an automotive theft in Colusa is 1 in 396. the distance between Colusa to Shasta is almost 113 miles.
When compared to other communities that approximately match it in size, Neighborhood Scout analysts found that the crime rate was around the average rate for similarly sized communities. When comparing Colusa’s overall crime rate to similarly sized communities and the national median, Colusa can be considered to be roughly around the middle of nationwide averages for crime frequency.
Read about Shasta crime stats