Yuba City Information

Yuba City is a medium-sized city in Sutter County, California that is home to approximately 66,941 residents.

As far as local demographics go, a wide range of ethnicities are represented and there are both white and blue-collar individuals making up the population. According to information provided by Neighborhood Scout’s “Crime Rates For Yuba City, CA” article, an estimated 18.87% of adults living in Yuba City have obtained a bachelor’s degree or higher (the national median being 21.84%). This city does have some elevated crime rates in relation to the rest of the state; about 139 crimes are accounted for in every square mile of Yuba City, while California as a single entity sees 90 crimes per square mile. The majority of documented crimes are not violent in nature, however. Most crimes taking place in this city are strictly property-related.

Individuals who find themselves in need of the legal assistance a bail bonds company can provide have numerous options in Yuba City and it’s surrounding areas.

A Closer Look at Crime Statistics in Yuba City

Despite Yuba City’s history of falling somewhat behind national averages in regards to health care and environment, crimes occurring there are not primarily of a violent nature. The most recent statistics provided by the FBI infer that the better half of all crimes on file are property crimes. The violent crime must fall under any of the following categories: homicide, assault, rape or robbery. As far as property crime is concerned, motor vehicle theft, all other variations of theft and burglary are included.

  • In contrast to other cities throughout the U.S, Yuba City is safer than 11% of other destinations. A rating of 100% would represent the safest possible conditions. This finding should help provide a further clarified visual. Essentially, there is 1 chance in 262 of becoming a victim of any crime within Yuba City. On a national scale, roughly 2,489 crimes take place for every 100,000 people annually. Yuba City, on the other hand, sees around 3,044 per 100,000 people (although the city’s population is fewer than 100,000, this offers another juxtaposition). The state of California as a whole reports about 3,045 crimes of any type for every 100,000 individuals.
  • Property crimes in Yuba City exceed national averages. This is especially true when referring to burglary and motor vehicle theft. The only category of property crime where U.S. averages rank higher than Yuba City is miscellaneous theft.
  • Although no murders were reported in the past year, Yuba City does see fairly substantial instances of rape. Yuba City saw 23 rape cases in the most recent calculations. This equates to a .34 rate per 1,000 people, surpassing the nationwide average of .42 incidents for every group of 1,000 individuals.
  • Yuba City may not surpass national averages on murder, robbery, and assault, however, the numbers are tremendously close. As previously mentioned, the city has not seen any reported murders in the past year’s statistics. That said, Yuba City does claim a somewhat higher risk of encountering assault or robbery than many other cities, especially when it’s modest population is taken into account.
  • Over the past year, Yuba City has seen 2,489 total crimes. For a more precise breakdown, 255 of these crimes were violent and 2,234 were property crimes.

How Does Yuba City Compare?

Yuba City’s crime rates have certain greater calculations counter to the rest of California and national averages. This city reports an estimated 184 more crimes of any classification for every 100,000 individuals than the identical nationwide scale. Fortunately, there were no murders accounted for over the past year and property crimes surpass violent circumstances.

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